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Our 60 insurance businesses are specialized to serve your unique product, industry, and regional needs.
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Berkley One exists to insure and help protect the lifestyles of a modern generation of affluence. We seek clients who are sophisticated individuals or families demanding world-class risk and claims management customized to their needs, a team of select expert independent agents and innovative digital tools to keep it simple and easy.
Agents interested in representing Berkley One can submit a request via our website on the "Apply to Partner" form on the Agent tab.
Berkley Asset Protection specializes in Fine Art + Collectibles, Jewelers Block, Personal Jewelry, and other high value assets.
We support the market through close partnerships with an established distribution network of retail and wholesale insurance professionals. Please contact us if interested in an appointment or for the name of an appointed wholesaler in your region.
Berkley Insurance Asia underwrites general insurance and facultative reinsurance in Asia, such as financial lines, casualty and marine. We have offices in Singapore and Hong Kong and a representative office in Tokyo. We also have a specialty underwriting team in Shanghai under Lloyd’s China.
Berkley Insurance Australia is a world-class general insurer providing customised solutions across a range of specialist product lines. Our motto is local teams supporting local brokers, ensuring fast responses to quote requests, risk submissions and new claims. Winning the NIBA General Insurer of the Year in 2020 and Insurer of the Year for the Insurance Business Brokers on Insurers Awards in 2021 and 2022, we know that our personalised service is highly valued by our clients.
Berkley Small Business Solutions works with appointed wholesalers and retailers providing insurance products to small business owners across various industries. We protect small business owners from the unknown so they can focus on growing their business.
Our diverse team of dedicated professional take pride in helping small business owners identify their insurance needs. By listening to our customers, we can customize products to deliver a best-in-class experience. After all, protecting your customer’s small business is OUR business.
Nautilus Insurance Group provides excess and surplus lines commercial property and casualty insurance coverage. Nautilus Insurance Group consists of two companies that provide protection to our policyholders, Nautilus Insurance Company and Great Divide Insurance Company.
Our products are available through select agent partners. Please contact us for a list of partners or to explore new opportunities.